By Nina Rakhra
I just finished reading SafetyFirst: Dispelling Myths about Complementary Therapies, in the Resources section for physicians on the PRIM website and realized just how safe and effective chelation therapy really is! As my journey for understanding integrative medicine broadens, I have realized just how safe and effective chelation therapy really is! Think about it, a major reason for using chelation therapy is to get something into your blood stream that will take something poisonous out as quickly as possible. There doesn’t seem to be a better way to do that than intravenously! Right?!
I just finished reading SafetyFirst: Dispelling Myths about Complementary Therapies, in the Resources section for physicians on the PRIM website and realized just how safe and effective chelation therapy really is! As my journey for understanding integrative medicine broadens, I have realized just how safe and effective chelation therapy really is! Think about it, a major reason for using chelation therapy is to get something into your blood stream that will take something poisonous out as quickly as possible. There doesn’t seem to be a better way to do that than intravenously! Right?!
The Safety
First article by Dr. Richard Nahas on Intravenous Chelation Therapy (pages
32-34) did a great job describing the history of chelation therapy including
how it was first used in Germany in the 1930s to help shipyard workers who had
lead poisoning. An agent called EDTA (ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid) was
administered intravenously and it would bind to the lead and eventually excrete
it from the body. Chelation therapy has
since been used to help treat several health conditions including other heavy
metal toxicities and heart disease!
Here it
goes: chelation therapy works!!! In video testimonials on the PRIM website I
listened to Andy Brazda talk about how chelation therapy helped him overcome angina! I was so
interested that I then took a look at Glyn Bancroft talk about how it helped him get rid of heavy
metal poisoning. I also read the testimonials and one of the most striking
statements came from James Awad;
“I had a 74%
blockage in my main artery and needed to have a stent put in immediately. I
left the hospital that day and life seemed so dark through my eyes. While I was
talking with friends, I was guided to Dr. Hui. I have never looked back since
then. After a very thorough examination by Dr. Hui, I started my chelation
treatment and immediately started feeling better. On my annual visits to my
cardiologist everything is perfect. Now, 12 years later, I still don’t need a
There is no
doubt that chelation therapy is safe and effective! Although there is a slight
roadblock, this method is battling against conventional medicine and many
doctors who believe in surgery for treating heart disease. I would hope in my
future and children’s lifetime that most doctors look more into chelation
therapy to help all individuals seek different medical approaches!
As a young
person who is trying to stay healthy, if I ever find out that I have a major heart
problem, I will definitely visit Dr. Fred Hui or another integrative medicine
practitioner first. Most definitely, surgery will be my last choice!!!