Thursday, 23 October 2014

Integrative Medicine Will Save Lives and Billions!

By Nina Rakhra

The first article in the book Safety First: Dispelling Myths about Complementary Therapies is called Safety considerations in the prescribing of drugs. This article makes it clear why we so desperately need integrative medicine. It talks about the risks with prescription drugs and how adverse drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death behind cancer, heart disease and stroke. The numbers are staggering and they go beyond just the number of people who die from the side effects of medication.  

What I also found incredibly disheartening is just how much taxpayer money is needed to keep a broken health care system going. People are not getting healthier and the costs to taxpayers are getting higher. Right now, close to 50% of the money that the Government of Ontario collects through taxes and federal transfer payments is spent on our health care system. The Ontario Chamber of Commerce projects that it will be 80% by 2030 if things do not change.

This is a huge problem and integrative medicine is a big part of the solution! A 2005 University of Arizona study compared the economic benefits of using complementary therapies to conventional treatments. After looking at 56 economic evaluations, the authors found major cost savings for several health conditions including treating migraine headaches with acupuncture, manual therapy for neck pain, self-administered stress management for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, biofeedback for people with bowel problems, and healthier diets for cardiac patients.

If complementary therapies are safe, effective and can save taxpayers money, it only makes sense for integrative medicine to be a big part of the solution to our health care crisis. Realistically, with prescription drugs costing more than $30 billion a year and sure to continue rising as baby boomers age, integrative medicine would save governments and private health insurance companies billions of dollars.

Just think about how great it would be if doctors and other health care professionals built strong relationships with their patients and focused on getting people healthy instead of mainly having the symptoms of their health conditions treated with prescription drugs.  People would be healthier and wealthier. Sounds good to me! 

It is time to transform health care in Ontario and integrative medicine is key!!!