By Brenda Pearce, RN
I remember the day I set my fate over 30 years
ago. I was 20 years old, and in my final year of nurses training. I had just
lost my dad to heart disease, and I thought, "If I make it to 48, I will
be great". My dad was 48.
This programming due to the trauma of losing
my father so young set in motion a soundtrack playing in my subconscious; a
soundtrack playing out in my health and wellbeing. Did I consciously want
to die at 48? NO, but the gnawing of this did put into place the events
that could have caused me to die at that age or even sooner.
At 46, I developed ovarian tumors and went
into emergency testing, and surgery. Thank goodness they were benign tumors and
the internal mess left behind could be taken care of. I am now a healthy gal in
her 50s and on the other side of that programming. It is like signing your
death certificate based on the actions taken by another and resigning to that. That
had a very strong emotional and spiritual component that played out in a very
physical way.
It is also like, how the actions taken by
others are put as risk factors to your own like, health and wellbeing as are
often reported by our Drs. Your dad had it, your grandfather had it, so you
will have it too. Not looking at the fact that I eat a healthy diet, don't
smoke, don't drink, and have a deeply spiritual practice. Risk factors for
heart disease do not have to be revisited upon future generations, but are
markers as to what could happen if one follows the same path.
Deeply held emotions do play a very real
component in our outcomes. Just ask my dear friend Lorraine Cohen. She
is experiencing breast cancer at a stage 4 level, and she thanks it for
bringing forth deep emotions held at bay and in the background, which she is
dealing with in a very profound way and the outcomes are manifesting in a way
that usually do not occur when breast cancer to that degree is diagnosed.
It is like the famous phrase of Henry Ford … "If
you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right!"
What are you manifesting in your life from
deeply held thoughts and beliefs, emotions and blocks?
Sharing with you this amazing podcast I
recently had with Lorraine, and may this bless you with better outcomes -