Friday, 31 March 2017

Integrative Approaches To Growing Your Holistic Wellness Business

Strugglig to grow and create your business is nothing new in todays trending world.  Social media, blogging, vlogging, websites, media and so much more can make it more difficult to do what you love and love what you do.  Being busy in your business.   Having your business become your full time lifestyle can have you pulling your hair out.

Some of us health care professionals, keep our day job and struggle with managine your real job in order to pay the bills that your business is creating to keep that rolling as well.

I know when I went into training over 3 decades ago, the world was simpler, and more direct, and pretty prescriptive.  Our uniforms were white, our shoes were white, are caps were crisp and pristine. We stood at attention when the Doctors came to the floor, and we definitely did our charting with pen and paper. No internet.  No eMar.  No RAI MDS.  We spent our time at the bedside and we did team Nursing.   I had no idea of the way the world was beyond my own biome.

Now days, tho... The world is larger, broader and at our fingertips..  So much information so fast, it can make your head spin.   Emails are now antiquated, more and mre people are on their Smart Phones and you have less and less time to make an impression.  As a nurse-preneur I have had to learn a lot of skills to make an impression that was never apart of training years ago.

Business cards are a key to spreading the word of who we are and what we do, but are they doing an adequete job?  Stats are that the efficiency of business cards today is very limited and ruins world resources to create..  Did you know on average, 27,000,000 , that's 27 MILLION biz cards printed EVERY day in the USA.  Mind boggling... Can you imagine that the simple business card is ruining the rain forests of South America.   As nurses, our first tenant is "Do No Harm".  I shudder to think that I have impacted the removal of those sacred forests.  Did you know tht the livlihood on average of your business card when it is given to a person on average is 8 hours before it is tossed into the garbage.  Creating waste and adding to the mounting garbage crisis in the world.  Stunning.  We create enough medical waste in the workplace, we see it everyday, but to think of the impact of business cards on the world ecology and resources, really made me think.   Then I had to think of the business impact of my business card....  Does it really grow my business????    Maybe, a bit, but not to the extent that I would like.   Stats show that business cards may grow your business by 2%.  Wow.  What are solutions?

I found a virtual business card, that can be created simply and easily and can embed videos, website links, contact forms, and update everytime you update.  So everyone who has your virtual business card gets all your updates i.e. specials, changes in office hours, videos etc.   AND can be shared from all of those whom you shared it with, to anyone they feel could match your business.  No trees killed in the process, No wasting of resources.   Everyone is texting,  so why not grow your business through texting?

This is the most profound business hack that I have found, and I am sharing with you...   Take advantage of an opportunity to find out more.  Watch my video here.

Brenda Pearce RN, is known as the Empowered Nurse...  through her books, podcasts, TV and so much more, she helps nurses shine through creative media that matters to be seen and heard in many ways.   You can access her podcast network at  .  To access her v-card, click here to find out more about the business tool that is exploding business