Tuesday, 10 February 2015

To Vaccinate Or Not To Vaccinate … The Measles Epidemic

By Brenda Pearce, RN

The Disneyland Measles Epidemic may lead to banning unvaccinated people from public places? Here we go again. Is this message a new way of getting people to comply with Public Health/WHO policy? Hmmm.

There is a lot of speculation regarding next steps to get vaccination compliance, when more and more educated people are choosing to not vaccinate. There is a growing trend to question the effectiveness and efficacy of various vaccines that have been used over the past several decades. From the time of the Salk vaccine in the 1950’s, we have seen an explosion of vaccines being scheduled since then. I think that living in a FREE society, and yet feeling forced to comply with vaccine schedules through our regulated health systems is causing many, many people to question what this is all about.

There have been advocates and papers and outspoken movie stars who have become advocates of anti-vaccine stances. Before the MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella) vaccine, there are actually documented and posted studies indicating that there were declines naturally occurring for these now vaccinated illnesses.  And…there are also, vaccinated people who are also catching these illnesses as well. One has to question why babies are being vaccinated with Hep B vaccines in their early and tender life moments for a liver disorder that comes through blood transmission for unprotected sex, and/or blood transfusions. And… what about the HPV vaccine to our young teenage or preteen girls, that only protects against 3 of the 101+ strains of the virus?

There is something called herd immunity, which relies on the fact that to ensure the maximum amount of public protection relies on 94% of the population receiving vaccinations, and receiving immunity. That allows for only 6% of the population to decide to take advantage of choice to not immunize. However, more than 6% of the population are opting out. There is also an argument that the vaccines are losing their efficacy.  Case in point, in my research, a mom whose son died at 17 days of a disease that she had been vaccinated for opens up many questions. What are we building up antibodies and immunity for? Are vaccines losing efficacy over time? Or is the herd immunity ideation losing its validity? Where is the long term research? What studies were being created for all of this in the first place? Who is running the studies? Hmmm….

How many parents remember immunizing their children to have a localized red area of inflammation at the injection site of their babies? Yes, we are told that is normal, yet go back to continue the immunization schedules because we are encouraged to by our Doctor’s, and health professionals. We are told that our children cannot go to public school unless they have their immunizations up to date. Inflammation at the injection site is a reaction! There has been a move to remove Thimerosol, which contains ethyl mercury, as a preservative, which to some sources is safer than the methyl mercury which is occurring in our world and is toxic. We consume this when we eat fish! Yes, a government video promoting the flu shot says this thimerosol is no more dangerous than the amount of mercury consumed in a can of tuna! Excuse me, mercury is not safe in whatever form it is in. However, the trend to remove the thimerosol to get increased compliance and to get people to understand that the vaccine is safe, has actually increased the rejection of vaccinations as a whole. There is risk to not vaccinating, but also with vaccinations as well. To think otherwise is unwise. It is not just the mercury issue, it is also about the other items that are not openly talked about either… Polysorbate 80, latex, aluminum toxicity (which can remain in the body up to 8 years post injection), and so much more.

I merely suggest, linking Disneyland with measles epidemic, and shutting down the parks is a slippery slope to greater ways and means of vaccination compliance. We need to be aware, we have a choice. PRIM is a Canada wide Grassroots Mobilization Movement aimed to alert Canadians to their rights under the Charter of Freedoms http://www.pch.gc.ca/eng/1356631760121/1356631904950.

I would kindly suggest watching the following:




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