Thursday, 11 June 2015

PRIM – Needs Community Leaders across the Country

By Brenda Pearce, RN

Canada, a vast and beautiful country; a proud country strong and free filled with people of all walks of life and cultural backgrounds, united from sea to sea in universal healthcare; a tapestry of health and wellness, illness and disease within a balance of healthcare and wellbeing. Not something to take for granted, but to make stronger with our input.

It starts with each and every one of us. No matter how powerful or how vocal or how concerned, we all have a role to play in keeping our Universal Healthcare system at the forefront of the world's leadership in healthcare. But... sadly we are ranked 30th in the world with Greece, a bankrupt nation, ranking higher. France is the proclaimed leader for 2014 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the USA, the superpower of democracy, lags behind us at 37.

Something is not working. In a time when Aboriginal parents need to go to court in order to treat their children with traditional remedies in the face of a medical oligarchy, our one size fits all healthcare system is not working. When people with the religious belief of non-blood transfusion are criminally chastised for their religious beliefs in a free country, not truly able to have the freedom of their beliefs in the eyes of the medical god, something is flawed in the land of the free.

Where we are taxed at every level and on everything except the air that we breathe, it is time to take a breath. It is time to think. It is time for change. Are you ready for change?

In a model of healthcare where our Medical Doctor's no longer swear the Hippocratic Oath, in which food and nutrition rank as the first line of defense and lobbying by the various food processors has led to a food pyramid swayed by money rather than science, we are a sick society. Just look around at the various levels of obesity, and the industry that has come from praying on illness, or the heartstrings like cancer. One has to only wonder, why?

PRIM is a Grassroots Movement that was started by a group of patients who personally benefitted from the treatment of a brave group of groundbreaking medical doctors who have suffered peer rebuttal for even writing about sugar being a dietary disaster, only to find out that the sugar industry sponsors our medical system. They see the combining of therapies as more effective than having just cut, maim, burn and drugs as tools in their belts. They see a medical system in dire need to change from what is not working as a whole to one of greater satisfaction and outcomes by combining integrative approaches.

Integrative medicine is not an either/or, one size fits all medical model. It embraces healthy nutrition and complementary practices like biofield therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture and much, much more as part of a wellness model and not a disease management model. Sure, there is a role for surgery and medications, but they are part of the model, and not the model.

Even the CNA (Canadian Nurses Association) wrote a position paper that speaks to this model, 'Towards 2020', published in 2006. It is now 2015 and cancer is evolving ever faster now, Diabetes is more rampant than ever and we are no closer to a wellness model than we were in 2006. We should not fear the next medical pandemic. Nor should we be ostracized for our own beliefs, or for making informed choices in our own wellbeing. More and more Canadians are becoming savvy consumers of integrative approaches, but often outside of their Medical Doctor’s knowledge or consent, yet benefiting from these approaches.

The PRIM Grassroots Movement is being led by people like you and I; people who want change, a better life outcome and want a better, healthier world for ourselves, our children and our parents. We as Canadians have a fundamental right to a healthier life.

How can you get involved?


PRIM is seeking Community Leaders from across Canada to join in making PRIM visible in every region, Province and Territory. We are seeking to make this grassroots movement burn like a prairie fire for change, touching the heart of every Canadian.

With a Federal Election coming this October, we need to make a stand. A revolution in our healthcare is needed like NEVER before and together we can ignite this from the grassroots up.

If you are willing to become a PRIM Community Leader and advocate for a new integrative medical model, please contact David Carmichael at

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